As usual I overslept again today morning and was getting late for office. I just had enough time to either grab a sandwich or read the headlines of the newspaper kept right at the door. While I was still in two minds, these lines caught my attention "Cheers! Men have their day too" and after reading this line, the choice became obvious.
And this was the most weird article I have read since last so many days. Not because it says about celebrating Men's Day but because of the reasons it gives. The first reason it stated reminded me of Shylock's famous speech
"I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? "
In the above speech replace 'Jew' with 'Man' and 'Christian' with 'Women or Mother or a million other things'. Is there no better reason to celebrate Men's Day than this silly comparison. It seems a few men felt pity on being men and they said "Enough..!! Now we will also have a day dedictaed to us..".
I am not against celebrating Men's Day but atleast not for such reasons. The article further says "men are treated as ATMs and ‘sperm donors’ and are thus exploited." If men and women are given equal opportunities to learn and earn, if only it does not hurt the male ego when women are the bread earners of their family, they would no longer be treated as ATMs.
Men's day should be seen as a day to celebrate the integrity and importance of men in the society and not just by comparing other days' celebration or by finding some exploitation reasons.
I celebrate Men's Day because men give a meaning to the world and life and the world would not be the same without them. Happy Men's Day..!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Almost every second chat starts with WASSUP....n almost all the time, I have the same reply...'nothing much...same usual boring life...ghar se ofc..ofc se ghar...' And this had to be repeated so often that finally I had to do something to change the course of all chats.
Thus after spending entire saturday on my bed with the laptop and gtalk, I got up that evening with a resolution to do something new...something exciting..and ended up with having two new friends.
Buying these cute lil fishes, I felt the joy of a new friendship...the warmth of a new relation...

Now I dont wake up only to see the walls of my house and come back in the evening to the lonely house. I have a reason to get up a bit early from my routine...someone's waiting for me to change the water...someone's waiting for me to give them food....I have a reason to come back home asap in the evening...someone's waiting for me for dinner...
And I have something to chat about when people say WASSUP....
Thus after spending entire saturday on my bed with the laptop and gtalk, I got up that evening with a resolution to do something new...something exciting..and ended up with having two new friends.
Buying these cute lil fishes, I felt the joy of a new friendship...the warmth of a new relation...

Now I dont wake up only to see the walls of my house and come back in the evening to the lonely house. I have a reason to get up a bit early from my routine...someone's waiting for me to change the water...someone's waiting for me to give them food....I have a reason to come back home asap in the evening...someone's waiting for me for dinner...
And I have something to chat about when people say WASSUP....
Monday, August 24, 2009
I Want to fly so high..!!

From the glass I see,
the green tree tops dancing in the wind,
rejoicing the presence of dark grey clouds.
From the glass I see
Fighter aircarfts flying at a very low altitude,
coming from nowhere and going into the dark coulds.
From the glass I see
birds roaring up in the sky,
meeting the clouds and gliding back in peace.
And as I stare,
the clouds come closer to me,
giving me a chance to touch
and feel the freshness of its water drops.
Breaking this glass
I want to touch the sky
I want to fly so high..!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Status msgs these days act more as conversation starters than being an indicative of the status of that person. My chat list is full of status msgs in French, Italian, Greek and sometimes even symbol language...or some lyrics of song...or some 1-2 words which are weird enough for ppl to ask about it.
Another important use of status msgs is that they help us kill time. Check all status msgs in your chat list and 5 mins are gone. Comment people on their status msgs and another 15 mins are gone (this might sometimes lead to conversations lasting for over an hour too..!!). And then search for a suitable status msg for oneself starts, the time spent in this case is directly proportional to how resourceful you are..!!
So after the usual 10-15 mins chat about status msgs today, I got one for myself which read as
'After Monday (M) And Tuesday (T) even the week says WTF......'
At a place where facebook and orkut are blocked, chatting is the sole source of recreation and this status msg helped me sail through the day. While chatting, I noticed a point (which I had noticed earlier too but never really bothered to put it here). Why do people use * in certain words and what difference does that asterisk make?
The word with or without asterisk would have the same meaning and if the other person has to understand that word, he would get it with or without *.If one feels that the word is indecent, then why use it in the first place. How does the * add decency to it or how does it sound less offensive? People might not know certain words n may even ignore it, but if the same words are written with *, people become inquisitive and somehow try to know that word. Does this not defeat the purpose? I believe this hipocracy solves no purpose. Either stop using words which you feel are indecent or have the courage to use it upfront.
Anyway, this status msg also served a third me a topic to write..!! :D
Another important use of status msgs is that they help us kill time. Check all status msgs in your chat list and 5 mins are gone. Comment people on their status msgs and another 15 mins are gone (this might sometimes lead to conversations lasting for over an hour too..!!). And then search for a suitable status msg for oneself starts, the time spent in this case is directly proportional to how resourceful you are..!!
So after the usual 10-15 mins chat about status msgs today, I got one for myself which read as
'After Monday (M) And Tuesday (T) even the week says WTF......'
At a place where facebook and orkut are blocked, chatting is the sole source of recreation and this status msg helped me sail through the day. While chatting, I noticed a point (which I had noticed earlier too but never really bothered to put it here). Why do people use * in certain words and what difference does that asterisk make?
The word with or without asterisk would have the same meaning and if the other person has to understand that word, he would get it with or without *.If one feels that the word is indecent, then why use it in the first place. How does the * add decency to it or how does it sound less offensive? People might not know certain words n may even ignore it, but if the same words are written with *, people become inquisitive and somehow try to know that word. Does this not defeat the purpose? I believe this hipocracy solves no purpose. Either stop using words which you feel are indecent or have the courage to use it upfront.
Anyway, this status msg also served a third me a topic to write..!! :D
A Reminder
With each passing day, we get busier & busier. And in our busy lives, we tend to forget the very basic rules which would make our life much easier and happier. Now that I have a bit of time, I just thought I would collate few of such basic rules.
Life is precious but equally fragile. Every second is a gift to us.
Follow your heart. The mind can waver but the heart seldom does. Respect your conscience. It's like a post-it note from God.
Seek a job you love. As you enter the world of careers and cocktails, you'll get sucked into a vortex called rat race. Don't be overwhelmed. We're all human. But have the courage to step out of it. Nothing will be lost. Some illusions will shatter. Good riddance.
Money. It's important. But it has its place. Don't make the mistake of putting it right on top.
Speak up when you have to. Don't have regrets. They defeat the very purpose of life.
These were some of them I could think of. I guess I am not following more than one of these...that's why my status msg says "After Monday (M) And Tuesday (T) even the week says WTF......"
Life is precious but equally fragile. Every second is a gift to us.
Follow your heart. The mind can waver but the heart seldom does. Respect your conscience. It's like a post-it note from God.
Seek a job you love. As you enter the world of careers and cocktails, you'll get sucked into a vortex called rat race. Don't be overwhelmed. We're all human. But have the courage to step out of it. Nothing will be lost. Some illusions will shatter. Good riddance.
Money. It's important. But it has its place. Don't make the mistake of putting it right on top.
Speak up when you have to. Don't have regrets. They defeat the very purpose of life.
These were some of them I could think of. I guess I am not following more than one of these...that's why my status msg says "After Monday (M) And Tuesday (T) even the week says WTF......"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Enjoy !!
I have always been excited of going for holidays or shifting to new places for starting new things. I had started packing to leave for college one month before the classes were to begin....everything was packed 5 days before the Leh Trip...had started packing 15 days before I had to join in Kolkata...packed almost a month before I had to leave Chennai and shift to Bangalore. I had always enjoyed packing and leaving for vaccations/shifts. But for the first time, packing is not sounding as good to me as it used to be.
I understand their excitement and am a part of it too but then sometimes I dont want them to pack and leave but cannot stop them either..!! The only thing I can say is 'Enjoy...and take care...and remember me sometimes..!!'
I understand their excitement and am a part of it too but then sometimes I dont want them to pack and leave but cannot stop them either..!! The only thing I can say is 'Enjoy...and take care...and remember me sometimes..!!'
Monday, June 1, 2009
Smile an ever lasting smile !!
'It's simple to smile but it's difficult to be happy' was my status msg today on gtalk. While my friends pinged me and started discussing on this line, I just wondered whether we smile because we are happy or we are happy because we smile?
Does the forced smile which we sport on our face for others' sake even when our soul is crying serve it's purpose? If those 'others' really care for us, would they not want us to cry when we are sad and smile when we are happy? Would they not be more happy when we smile from our heart and would they not be sad when we smile just for the heck of it? Only people who don't care about us would be indifferent to our smiling heart and smiling face. Is it worth forcing a smile for such people?
Many argue that if u force a smile for quite a while, you would be happy. But then will it not lead to pent up emotions and drive that person into a shell?
Even I am not very sure which is true but for the time being I am smiling :)
Does the forced smile which we sport on our face for others' sake even when our soul is crying serve it's purpose? If those 'others' really care for us, would they not want us to cry when we are sad and smile when we are happy? Would they not be more happy when we smile from our heart and would they not be sad when we smile just for the heck of it? Only people who don't care about us would be indifferent to our smiling heart and smiling face. Is it worth forcing a smile for such people?
Many argue that if u force a smile for quite a while, you would be happy. But then will it not lead to pent up emotions and drive that person into a shell?
Even I am not very sure which is true but for the time being I am smiling :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Doordarshan !!
Yesterday, sharp at 10 pm, all of us glued in front of the TV. It was not a movie, not a match but a serial. Yes, even I was surprised to the extent of my jaws falling apart. And all the credit goes to anu’s mausi ji. She saw that serial just for 1 day with us, told us the story in details and we were hooked to the series to know what happened next!!!
With changing times, even our very own idiot box has changed a lot. Earlier there used to be just one channel and we used to remember even the advertisements’ by-heart. Now there are so many channels that all our time is spent in channel surfing and we don’t even remember what we watched in the last half-and-hour.
Even today when we discuss about TV serials, we remember and cherish the good old DD serials only. We wonder how B.R.Chopra’s Mahabharata and Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana had increased the sale of TVs exponentially. Roads and shops used to be empty on Sunday as soon as the clock struck 9. People of all age groups used to watch these epics with the same emotions and sincerity. Whatever I know of these epics, is mainly because of these serials. I wonder how much the next generation would know of these epics in absence of such serials. It’s not that these epics have not been telecasted after that, but even the comparison of B.R.Chopra’s Mahabharata and Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana with today’s serials are an insult to the veteran directors.
And how can we forget our in-house James Bond, Vyomkesh Bakshi. All of us used to solve the cases with the same inquisitiveness as Vyomkesh and were awed by his intelligence and logical thinking. The best part of those times were that it did not matter where the tv remote was because there was no need for changing channels for the entire stretch. Now we fight over changing channels more than watching the programs.
I remember how I used to rush from my school to see the soap ‘Yug’. We didn’t even miss the title track which I still remember with tune ‘Yug badla badla Hindustan…..’. Now if ever we watch some program, we just see the scenes in which some important part of the story is telecasted, forget about title tracks and it wont even matter if while changing channels we miss 15 mins of a 30 min soap.
Then there were Fauji (which gave us our King Khan), Shanti, Jungle Book, Malgudi Days and many others. The thought of these serials still bring a smile on our faces unlike those of today.
And all this I wrote just on the thought that I would have to live without tv for the next few months. Even if those good old serials are not there, it helps you kill time without worrying about work, relations and daily chores.
With changing times, even our very own idiot box has changed a lot. Earlier there used to be just one channel and we used to remember even the advertisements’ by-heart. Now there are so many channels that all our time is spent in channel surfing and we don’t even remember what we watched in the last half-and-hour.
Even today when we discuss about TV serials, we remember and cherish the good old DD serials only. We wonder how B.R.Chopra’s Mahabharata and Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana had increased the sale of TVs exponentially. Roads and shops used to be empty on Sunday as soon as the clock struck 9. People of all age groups used to watch these epics with the same emotions and sincerity. Whatever I know of these epics, is mainly because of these serials. I wonder how much the next generation would know of these epics in absence of such serials. It’s not that these epics have not been telecasted after that, but even the comparison of B.R.Chopra’s Mahabharata and Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana with today’s serials are an insult to the veteran directors.
And how can we forget our in-house James Bond, Vyomkesh Bakshi. All of us used to solve the cases with the same inquisitiveness as Vyomkesh and were awed by his intelligence and logical thinking. The best part of those times were that it did not matter where the tv remote was because there was no need for changing channels for the entire stretch. Now we fight over changing channels more than watching the programs.
I remember how I used to rush from my school to see the soap ‘Yug’. We didn’t even miss the title track which I still remember with tune ‘Yug badla badla Hindustan…..’. Now if ever we watch some program, we just see the scenes in which some important part of the story is telecasted, forget about title tracks and it wont even matter if while changing channels we miss 15 mins of a 30 min soap.
Then there were Fauji (which gave us our King Khan), Shanti, Jungle Book, Malgudi Days and many others. The thought of these serials still bring a smile on our faces unlike those of today.
And all this I wrote just on the thought that I would have to live without tv for the next few months. Even if those good old serials are not there, it helps you kill time without worrying about work, relations and daily chores.
Ye ladka thoda filmy hai...!!!
Since childhood I had despised even the thought of use of some words (most of them are considered slangs) but then there are a few charming people who would say the worst of words in a way which would make you smile. ‘Gadha’ is one such word and DD is one such person. Before meeting him, I had never ever imagined that I would be using this word with a smile and would be listening to it day and night with a smile.
Writing about DD is not at all difficult as he has a heart of gold without any pretentions. He would never hide anything from anyone if it is belongs to the 95% of his life but he would not tell anything to anyone if that thing belongs to 5% of his life. This world is full of people who would claim that they tell everything to you but actually they would just be telling 5% of it. His strange truthfulness and honesty is rare to find in this world of hypocrisy.
Very few people know what their passions are but he’s one such person whose friends also know what his passions are…!! Cricket, Movies and Work (though not in same order)… Name a song and he would tell you the movie, actor, actress, situation and what not. And the same with cricket…any match…any cricketer…he’s a live encyclopedia. And as far as work is related, he would never miss office when we plan to go out!!!
He has innumerable talents but the most noticeable talent he uniquely (only one more person has this rare talent) possesses is the SRK voice. He mimics SRK amazingly well. Even hard core SRK fans (hope you people can guess whom am i referring to) have vouched for the similarity of dialogue delivery.
Such people come into your life and lit it up so bright that you shine with inner happiness. DD is one such person in my life and this post is the least I can do for him. Thanks a lot for being such a wonderful friend…!!!
Writing about DD is not at all difficult as he has a heart of gold without any pretentions. He would never hide anything from anyone if it is belongs to the 95% of his life but he would not tell anything to anyone if that thing belongs to 5% of his life. This world is full of people who would claim that they tell everything to you but actually they would just be telling 5% of it. His strange truthfulness and honesty is rare to find in this world of hypocrisy.
Very few people know what their passions are but he’s one such person whose friends also know what his passions are…!! Cricket, Movies and Work (though not in same order)… Name a song and he would tell you the movie, actor, actress, situation and what not. And the same with cricket…any match…any cricketer…he’s a live encyclopedia. And as far as work is related, he would never miss office when we plan to go out!!!
He has innumerable talents but the most noticeable talent he uniquely (only one more person has this rare talent) possesses is the SRK voice. He mimics SRK amazingly well. Even hard core SRK fans (hope you people can guess whom am i referring to) have vouched for the similarity of dialogue delivery.
Such people come into your life and lit it up so bright that you shine with inner happiness. DD is one such person in my life and this post is the least I can do for him. Thanks a lot for being such a wonderful friend…!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Ever thought about this?
This day started like any other day with gmail and The only difference was the thought with which it started. The first line which I read today was "Punjab burning after Vienna killing". I could not relate Punjab and Vienna in any way so inquisitively clicked on the link for details. Some religious Sikh guru was killed in Vienna and riots broke out in Punjab. People in huge numbers were out on roads burning cars, buses , trains and what not.
The killing of the Sikh Guru was tragic beyond doubt but is it justified to kill thousand other innocent people to show your grief and anger? Will that guru's soul not lament seeing the deeds of his disciples in his absence? Is this a proper way to bid adieu to a guru who has showed us the path to peace and prosperity? If by killing thousand innocent people, that great person could again come into existence, it could still be justified by a few. But this is nothing but killing the preachings of the guru immediately after his demise and is even more sad.
Is this not the starting point of terrorism? Even the terrorists kill innocent people giving the same logic. At some point of time, even their near and dear ones were killed and they were out to take revenge. Hopefully this riot will end in a couple of days and Punjab will be as peaceful as ever. But the seeds of extremism would be sown in some young mind which might harm another hundreds of innocents in years to come.
The killing of the Sikh Guru was tragic beyond doubt but is it justified to kill thousand other innocent people to show your grief and anger? Will that guru's soul not lament seeing the deeds of his disciples in his absence? Is this a proper way to bid adieu to a guru who has showed us the path to peace and prosperity? If by killing thousand innocent people, that great person could again come into existence, it could still be justified by a few. But this is nothing but killing the preachings of the guru immediately after his demise and is even more sad.
Is this not the starting point of terrorism? Even the terrorists kill innocent people giving the same logic. At some point of time, even their near and dear ones were killed and they were out to take revenge. Hopefully this riot will end in a couple of days and Punjab will be as peaceful as ever. But the seeds of extremism would be sown in some young mind which might harm another hundreds of innocents in years to come.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Censor Hai..!!!
99 out of 100 people hum some song or the other at least once a day. That song may not be the one they like the most or might not be the most pleasant sounding one but it is generally the one which we hear recently. No wonder that after a bus journey I hum ‘Pardesi jana nahi…’ for 3-4 days !!
Today morning, while having my breakfast, I started humming ‘Jan Gan Man Rann hai…is rann me….’ (I had seen the trailer of this movie last night itself) and the following series of thoughts flashed into my mind.
‘I should stand up while singing Jan Gan Man….but wait… this is not Jan Gan Man…it’s Jan Gan Man Rann hai…so I need not stand…’
And since that time I have been continuously humming this song from movie RANN directed by our very own RGV. This song forced me to think whether it’s rightfully banned or it should be left on the audiences to use their discretion.
There’s no doubt that this song is very ear candy and with proper marketing it has the potential to make it to every house hold. I don’t know anything about the storyline as of now but it’s not difficult to guess that it would be portraying some rampant corruption or any other evil that has besieged the nation. I am pretty hopeful that, like any other bollywood movie, the good will eventually overcome the evil and it will all be goody goody at the end of the movie. But what if the music gets dear to the mass inside and outside the country? I am sure there will be more percentage of population who would have heard this song rather than those who would watch the movie and eventually see the good destroy the evil. Imagine how much of negative publicity and disgrace it would bring to the nation.
When Slumdog Millionare won the Oscars, we Indians were the first to say that the West likes seeing India as a downtrodden country. If we blamed Boyle for showing India a poor country then how can we Indians tell the world that
“Vindh himachal yamuna ganga … Me tezaab ubal raha hai
Mar gaya sab ka zameer … Jaane kab zinda ho aagey “
In a country where the public sentiment is hurt even by the use of words like ‘barber (in Billu)’, ‘mochi’, ‘chamar’ (in Aaja Nach le) then how can we tolerate someone saying these lines about our nation to the whole world
“Desh ka aisa haal hai lekin …Aapas me ladd rahe neta
Jana gann mangal daayak jaya hai …Bhaarat ko bacha le vidhaata!!! "
Every country has problems and I am not saying that we should not focus on our problems but there is a way to do everything. And above all some things are not meant to be played with. National Anthem is one such thing. Is there such a lack of creativity that people cannot express their feelings without adding indignity to our national anthem?
I am sure that at a time when we have been blessed with some what stable mandate in polls… the economy having faced the brunt of global downturn has survived, rather done well… there is widespread feeling of " jai ho " post Oscar and post polls… we do not want some one to come with slogans of " bhay ho " and spread fear and uncertainty which is so contagious.
To err is human and therefore the possibility that someone starts singing ‘Jan Gan Man Rann hai..’ instead of ‘Jan Gan Man’ cannot be ruled out. So what’s the need of this song when it threatens to lessen its dignity?
Today morning, while having my breakfast, I started humming ‘Jan Gan Man Rann hai…is rann me….’ (I had seen the trailer of this movie last night itself) and the following series of thoughts flashed into my mind.
‘I should stand up while singing Jan Gan Man….but wait… this is not Jan Gan Man…it’s Jan Gan Man Rann hai…so I need not stand…’
And since that time I have been continuously humming this song from movie RANN directed by our very own RGV. This song forced me to think whether it’s rightfully banned or it should be left on the audiences to use their discretion.
There’s no doubt that this song is very ear candy and with proper marketing it has the potential to make it to every house hold. I don’t know anything about the storyline as of now but it’s not difficult to guess that it would be portraying some rampant corruption or any other evil that has besieged the nation. I am pretty hopeful that, like any other bollywood movie, the good will eventually overcome the evil and it will all be goody goody at the end of the movie. But what if the music gets dear to the mass inside and outside the country? I am sure there will be more percentage of population who would have heard this song rather than those who would watch the movie and eventually see the good destroy the evil. Imagine how much of negative publicity and disgrace it would bring to the nation.
When Slumdog Millionare won the Oscars, we Indians were the first to say that the West likes seeing India as a downtrodden country. If we blamed Boyle for showing India a poor country then how can we Indians tell the world that
“Vindh himachal yamuna ganga … Me tezaab ubal raha hai
Mar gaya sab ka zameer … Jaane kab zinda ho aagey “
In a country where the public sentiment is hurt even by the use of words like ‘barber (in Billu)’, ‘mochi’, ‘chamar’ (in Aaja Nach le) then how can we tolerate someone saying these lines about our nation to the whole world
“Desh ka aisa haal hai lekin …Aapas me ladd rahe neta
Jana gann mangal daayak jaya hai …Bhaarat ko bacha le vidhaata!!! "
Every country has problems and I am not saying that we should not focus on our problems but there is a way to do everything. And above all some things are not meant to be played with. National Anthem is one such thing. Is there such a lack of creativity that people cannot express their feelings without adding indignity to our national anthem?
I am sure that at a time when we have been blessed with some what stable mandate in polls… the economy having faced the brunt of global downturn has survived, rather done well… there is widespread feeling of " jai ho " post Oscar and post polls… we do not want some one to come with slogans of " bhay ho " and spread fear and uncertainty which is so contagious.
To err is human and therefore the possibility that someone starts singing ‘Jan Gan Man Rann hai..’ instead of ‘Jan Gan Man’ cannot be ruled out. So what’s the need of this song when it threatens to lessen its dignity?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The profession which pays you the most in return of doing nothing..!!
The most read articles these days are related to asset declaration of politicians. Even when our leaders have crores and crores of money in their name, India is still called a developing nation. They still think about money first and the country later. And if this trend continues, India would be called a developing nation for 100 more years. People are treating politics just as a money vending machine without even bothering to realize what the actual work of politicians are.
A few days back I had an awesome trip to Coorg. On our way back, we went to Srirangapatna (the capital of Tipu Sultan). Within the range of 10 km (or even less), there were some 10 spots where crowds of people could be seen. One was the place from where the English army had entered the fort, the other was the place where the English soliders were imprisoned, another place was the spot where Tipu sultan had died while fighting, so on and so forth. The first thought which flashed my mind was "Which places will our future generations visit? The place where Varun gave a hate speech? The place where a particular caste was abused by some leader? The place where some leaders committed crimes infront of the entire junta and still were left unaccused? Will our future generations ever know the actual fighters and saviours of India during this period? Our future generations would only know which political leader made what comments during the Kargil War or some other situation of crisis but would not have the slightest of idea about the brave soliders actually securing our motherland."
We would not have any problems with our political leaders having such huge bank balances if they stop dividing the country on the basis of religious groups,castes and origin & lead the country to the position it actually deserves. We are even ready to believe that Sonia owns no car and no house and has just 1.38 cr if she does some good for the country..!!
PS : Even I wouldn't waste my money on a car and a house if I have a bunglaw to live in and can travel in AC cars without paying anything..!!
A few days back I had an awesome trip to Coorg. On our way back, we went to Srirangapatna (the capital of Tipu Sultan). Within the range of 10 km (or even less), there were some 10 spots where crowds of people could be seen. One was the place from where the English army had entered the fort, the other was the place where the English soliders were imprisoned, another place was the spot where Tipu sultan had died while fighting, so on and so forth. The first thought which flashed my mind was "Which places will our future generations visit? The place where Varun gave a hate speech? The place where a particular caste was abused by some leader? The place where some leaders committed crimes infront of the entire junta and still were left unaccused? Will our future generations ever know the actual fighters and saviours of India during this period? Our future generations would only know which political leader made what comments during the Kargil War or some other situation of crisis but would not have the slightest of idea about the brave soliders actually securing our motherland."
We would not have any problems with our political leaders having such huge bank balances if they stop dividing the country on the basis of religious groups,castes and origin & lead the country to the position it actually deserves. We are even ready to believe that Sonia owns no car and no house and has just 1.38 cr if she does some good for the country..!!
PS : Even I wouldn't waste my money on a car and a house if I have a bunglaw to live in and can travel in AC cars without paying anything..!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Content matters more than this title so start reading!!
A consultant is often told 'Dont worry, this is just one of your implementations but this is the only implementation for the clients. So the clients should be more worried and cautious than the consultants'.
How true and relevant this statement is in all spheres of life. Today while surfing the channels on TV, I stopped at one of the news channels which was showing politicians literally fighting for wooing the voters. The above statement flashed in my mind and I realized that for the politicians this is like any other election. They might win, they might lose. All they want is money and popularity. But for us this is the only occasion when we can get something good and really beneficial for us. This is the only time when we can determine how our next five years would be. So we should be more cautious, well informed and judicious in our decision.
In last 10 days, I lived a few days each in Bangalore, Mumbai and Kolkata (the 3 big cities of India) but what a contrast was Kolkata from the other two cities. It's still the Kolkata that existed in 1947. Nothing except the name has changed there. The same old trams still running on the same tracks (I wonder if the trams/tracks have ever been repaired since 1947...forget about getting changed)... at every junction, still 4 traffic policemen using their vocal cords to control the pulling rickshaws by hands...all along the roads there are buildings which haven't been repaired since Independence...the electricity cables still connected through the same old poles, just the number of connections increases making the pole having as many connections as the politicians (you would never know which one is connected to which one and in what way!!). The condition of the city speaks of the care and intention of the rulers there. At a time when to the whole world industrialization seems very natural, the politicians there are favouring deindustrialization and forcing industries to shut down.
It's high time now. If we don't think and act now, in no time India would stagnate. The politicians would anyway have their money but we would be ruined. Let's make the most of this chance. After all it's our money and our nation.
Jai Hind!!
How true and relevant this statement is in all spheres of life. Today while surfing the channels on TV, I stopped at one of the news channels which was showing politicians literally fighting for wooing the voters. The above statement flashed in my mind and I realized that for the politicians this is like any other election. They might win, they might lose. All they want is money and popularity. But for us this is the only occasion when we can get something good and really beneficial for us. This is the only time when we can determine how our next five years would be. So we should be more cautious, well informed and judicious in our decision.
In last 10 days, I lived a few days each in Bangalore, Mumbai and Kolkata (the 3 big cities of India) but what a contrast was Kolkata from the other two cities. It's still the Kolkata that existed in 1947. Nothing except the name has changed there. The same old trams still running on the same tracks (I wonder if the trams/tracks have ever been repaired since 1947...forget about getting changed)... at every junction, still 4 traffic policemen using their vocal cords to control the pulling rickshaws by hands...all along the roads there are buildings which haven't been repaired since Independence...the electricity cables still connected through the same old poles, just the number of connections increases making the pole having as many connections as the politicians (you would never know which one is connected to which one and in what way!!). The condition of the city speaks of the care and intention of the rulers there. At a time when to the whole world industrialization seems very natural, the politicians there are favouring deindustrialization and forcing industries to shut down.
It's high time now. If we don't think and act now, in no time India would stagnate. The politicians would anyway have their money but we would be ruined. Let's make the most of this chance. After all it's our money and our nation.
Jai Hind!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thank You !!
The happiest moments of our lives are not the ones when our long cherised dreams come true but are the ones which we never planned or expected. Looking back, I realize that some very simple acts of others made me feel so special and loved. When I last went to meet my brother and he handed me a bouquet of roses and orchids, I felt like I had just been crowned Miss World and was being given that special bouquet. On my last birthday, when I was alone in Chennai and my friends sent me a cake and roses, I felt on the top of the world. Then I had one of my best b'days with 50 roses around me..courtsey my collegues!! And very recently I got a letter written on a paper which had my photo as its background. I felt so very special and loved that I could not control my tears.
Sometimes talking for months may be of no worth and sometimes a few words by someone,at a time you need them, would be worth a lifetime.I realized this when I was in Chennai and a couple of my collegues tried cheering me up (and succeeded too !). But at the same time I realized I have not done anything special for anyone since last so many days or may be months.
For all these beautiful moments and many others which I have not mentioned here I would like to THANK these special people in my life from the bottom of my heart.
We miss to appreciate so many gestures of others which bring smiles not only to our faces but to our hearts. The least we can do is take an extra step and make someone feel special.
Sometimes I may not give you a call when I am smiling thinking of you,
Sometimes I may not give you a call to say I care for you,
Sometimes I may not give you a call to say I miss you,
But you are always special to me.
P.S :- This post is for all my friends and not only specific to the incidents I mentioned.
Sometimes talking for months may be of no worth and sometimes a few words by someone,at a time you need them, would be worth a lifetime.I realized this when I was in Chennai and a couple of my collegues tried cheering me up (and succeeded too !). But at the same time I realized I have not done anything special for anyone since last so many days or may be months.
For all these beautiful moments and many others which I have not mentioned here I would like to THANK these special people in my life from the bottom of my heart.
We miss to appreciate so many gestures of others which bring smiles not only to our faces but to our hearts. The least we can do is take an extra step and make someone feel special.
Sometimes I may not give you a call when I am smiling thinking of you,
Sometimes I may not give you a call to say I care for you,
Sometimes I may not give you a call to say I miss you,
But you are always special to me.
P.S :- This post is for all my friends and not only specific to the incidents I mentioned.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Boon or Bane -- Depends on us
Just a couple of days back, army chief had said that army is not a lucrative profession for Indian youth anymore as it pays less than their counterparts in other professions and cited this as one of the major reasons for the shortage of officers in army. Today I came across this link according to which any immigrant will get a green card in US if he serves 6 months in US army. It’s not difficult to guess that this step has been welcomed by a lot of people who see it as an easier and surer way to getting green cards at a time when people with H1B visa are losing jobs every second day. Is getting a green card such a great thing that for it one would even serve for other countries’ army at a time when our own country’s army is facing a severe shortage and our own country is facing severe security threats?
I do agree that life is much easier and happier in US than in India but then if we consider countries equivalent to families, then would we leave our families and work for and help other families if our own families are a bit different than what we want? If we find some one else’s parents better than ours then do we start living with them and treating them as our parents? And the worst part is that at the end of all this, people still claim to be Indian from the core of their hearts.
It’s even more painful to read below comments on that article :
“I dont understand why the people sitting in India are complaining. You dont have to do it, its a volunteer program, if someone wants to do it, let them. Why do you care?”
We care because we are Indians and want our country to be ahead of others!!
“Become a cook in the US army. Let them eat masala dosa and chole Bhature for lunch and dinner. No harm in trying it out. A good method for migrating. A cousin tried it out during the Vietnam war. He has done well. He is still an Indian by heart after 40 years in the US.”
He’s an Indian by heart only because he did not have a heart transplant from some US person’s heart. By no other reason, his Indian-ness can be justified.
It’s high time for people to realize that our country would have replaced US with the talent and resources we have. If only all people who migrated to US since 1947 had stayed here and worked for this country with the same passion, we would have become a super power.
This law could be a boon for us if people decide to come back and serve in Indian Army instead of serving in US Army.
I do agree that life is much easier and happier in US than in India but then if we consider countries equivalent to families, then would we leave our families and work for and help other families if our own families are a bit different than what we want? If we find some one else’s parents better than ours then do we start living with them and treating them as our parents? And the worst part is that at the end of all this, people still claim to be Indian from the core of their hearts.
It’s even more painful to read below comments on that article :
“I dont understand why the people sitting in India are complaining. You dont have to do it, its a volunteer program, if someone wants to do it, let them. Why do you care?”
We care because we are Indians and want our country to be ahead of others!!
“Become a cook in the US army. Let them eat masala dosa and chole Bhature for lunch and dinner. No harm in trying it out. A good method for migrating. A cousin tried it out during the Vietnam war. He has done well. He is still an Indian by heart after 40 years in the US.”
He’s an Indian by heart only because he did not have a heart transplant from some US person’s heart. By no other reason, his Indian-ness can be justified.
It’s high time for people to realize that our country would have replaced US with the talent and resources we have. If only all people who migrated to US since 1947 had stayed here and worked for this country with the same passion, we would have become a super power.
This law could be a boon for us if people decide to come back and serve in Indian Army instead of serving in US Army.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Here I am sitting in my office @ night
Here i am sitting in my office @ night…
Thinking hard about life
How it changed from a maverick college life to strict professional life…...
How tiny pocket money changed to huge monthly paychecks
but then why it gives lesss happiness….
How a few local denim jeans changed to new branded wardrobe
but then why there are less people to use them
How a single plate of samosa changed to a full Pizza or burger
But then why there is less hunger…..
Here i am sitting in my office @ night…
Thinking hard about life
How it changed…..
How a small coffee shop changed to cafe coffee day
but then why its feels like shop is far away…..
How a limited prepaid card changed to postpaid package
but then why there are less calls & even lesser messages……
Here i am sitting in my office @ night…
Thinking hard about life
How it changed…...
How a general class journey changed to Flight journey
But then why there are less vacations for enjoyment….
How an old assembled desktop changed to new branded laptop
but then why there is less time to put it on……….
How a small bunch of friends changed to office mate
But then why we always feel lonely n miss those college frnz.….
Here i am sitting in my office @ night…
Thinking hard about life
How it changed….. How it changed……..
Thinking hard about life
How it changed from a maverick college life to strict professional life…...
How tiny pocket money changed to huge monthly paychecks
but then why it gives lesss happiness….
How a few local denim jeans changed to new branded wardrobe
but then why there are less people to use them
How a single plate of samosa changed to a full Pizza or burger
But then why there is less hunger…..
Here i am sitting in my office @ night…
Thinking hard about life
How it changed…..
How a small coffee shop changed to cafe coffee day
but then why its feels like shop is far away…..
How a limited prepaid card changed to postpaid package
but then why there are less calls & even lesser messages……
Here i am sitting in my office @ night…
Thinking hard about life
How it changed…...
How a general class journey changed to Flight journey
But then why there are less vacations for enjoyment….
How an old assembled desktop changed to new branded laptop
but then why there is less time to put it on……….
How a small bunch of friends changed to office mate
But then why we always feel lonely n miss those college frnz.….
Here i am sitting in my office @ night…
Thinking hard about life
How it changed….. How it changed……..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I was at a loss of comments after this...see if you can add a few...
Every day when I leave my guest house at 730 in the morning, a small poor boy wearing the minimum clothes and that too in the worst conditions would be sitting at the gate selling flowers. Though I never bought flowers from him, we used to exchange glances and smiles. In this 1 year, we had never spoken to each other but still never missed to smile. One day, he took a few flowers in his hand and said something in tamil. With 1 years' experience of conversing with auto walas and shopkeepers I could make out that he was asking me to buy some of those. I told him that I did not need one and hurried towards my bus stop. He continued mentioning something about school and sister and followed me. Because of him, all my days here had started with a smile, so I thought I could do this much for him. I took 2 flowers and reached out for my wallet. Then I realized that I did not have change and had only 100 rupee note. I was still in two minds when that boy took the 100 rupee note and ran for change. I was already late for my bus and did not want to miss my bus and be late for office. I boarded the bus thinking that I paid 100 rupees for the smiles I started my days with all these days.
Next two days I did not see that boy at my gate. Wondered if he ran away with my money or was he sitting here all these days for an opportunity like this. Another day passed and on the next evening a girl came at my door. She was of the same age as that boy and was no better dressed than him. She first said something in tamil which I could not understand and then handed over 80 rupees. I tried asking her the reason but she could not understand me. We struggled for 5 mins but neither of us could understand anything. Then I called the care taker of my guest house and asked him to translate what the girl was saying. I had nothing to say after I understood what the girl was saying.
The boy who used to sell flowers at the doorstep was her brother and he had asked her to give me that money. He had met with an accident that day and was seriously injured. However before taking his last breath he had given his sister 95 rupees and had asked her to return it to me. The girl apologized further and said that 15 rupees was spent in her brothers' treatment and that she would return it after some days.
I was too touched to say anything and by the time I realized what I should do, she had left the place handing me the 80 rupees.
Next two days I did not see that boy at my gate. Wondered if he ran away with my money or was he sitting here all these days for an opportunity like this. Another day passed and on the next evening a girl came at my door. She was of the same age as that boy and was no better dressed than him. She first said something in tamil which I could not understand and then handed over 80 rupees. I tried asking her the reason but she could not understand me. We struggled for 5 mins but neither of us could understand anything. Then I called the care taker of my guest house and asked him to translate what the girl was saying. I had nothing to say after I understood what the girl was saying.
The boy who used to sell flowers at the doorstep was her brother and he had asked her to give me that money. He had met with an accident that day and was seriously injured. However before taking his last breath he had given his sister 95 rupees and had asked her to return it to me. The girl apologized further and said that 15 rupees was spent in her brothers' treatment and that she would return it after some days.
I was too touched to say anything and by the time I realized what I should do, she had left the place handing me the 80 rupees.
Life By Chance
The concluding dialogue of Luck By Chance was "Everyone choses success or failure, happiness or sadness". This made me think for hours. Did I chose my present state of mind? May be yes.
My life 2 yrs ago and my life now...what a hell lot of a difference!! And the reason for this difference is a few wrong decisions, a few wrong choices and an unclear state of mind.And all this is still continuing.
2 yrs ago, whenever I asked my heart and mind what I wanted in life, I always got an answer. Now when I ask my heart and mind, there never comes a clear answer. And immediately after taking a decision, there's a lull, my heart beat increases and my mind is flooded with questions like will it be right...what if this does not materialize...what if the other option was a better one...what if i m a loser at the end...instead of choosing from options I get trapped in them and lose my peace of mind...and thus day by day my life is becoming a mess.
With each passing day, I am forced to make more decisions and with each decision comes more of doubts and more of uncertainty and more of unhappiness. Earlier I used to believe that even if I have not chosen the best, I can make my choice to be the best for me. Now this seems to me a distant dream. And all these decisions have accumulated so much of sadness in me that the burden is killing me day by day. I want to throw out all sadness from within but am unable to find a way out.
But to avoid the same mistakes in future I should know my mistakes. The biggest mistakes of my life are :
Trying to make all my close ones happy - None of our actions can make all happy so it's worthless trying to make all happy. In the end of it, it's you who are most unhappy and dissatisfied.
Not being firm on what I want - Since childhood I had never been one of those kids who will do all possible tantrums to get a thing. I used to try for it once or twice and then be at peace with whatever I have. But now I realize, we have to be adamant if we really want something. Else the world will try to crush your dreams.
Being too accommodative about everything - I used to be satisfied with whatever I have if it makes someone else happy. But over a period of time, it just accumulates into sadness and hopelessness. Now I would fight with full enthusiasm to get what I want and would not be contended by anything less than that.
Believing that there's always a middle way - If you want something, then you have to decide on it and tread on that path come what may. If you try to find some middle way which would not involve too many radical reactions, then you are only fooling yourself. This is what I was trying to do all these times in my personal as well as professional life. Now I would not look for middle ways, it's either this way or that way.
It seems couple of my mistakes have already slipped out of my mind. Will continue to update this list as and when things happen and would try to make maximum out of it.
My life 2 yrs ago and my life now...what a hell lot of a difference!! And the reason for this difference is a few wrong decisions, a few wrong choices and an unclear state of mind.And all this is still continuing.
2 yrs ago, whenever I asked my heart and mind what I wanted in life, I always got an answer. Now when I ask my heart and mind, there never comes a clear answer. And immediately after taking a decision, there's a lull, my heart beat increases and my mind is flooded with questions like will it be right...what if this does not materialize...what if the other option was a better one...what if i m a loser at the end...instead of choosing from options I get trapped in them and lose my peace of mind...and thus day by day my life is becoming a mess.
With each passing day, I am forced to make more decisions and with each decision comes more of doubts and more of uncertainty and more of unhappiness. Earlier I used to believe that even if I have not chosen the best, I can make my choice to be the best for me. Now this seems to me a distant dream. And all these decisions have accumulated so much of sadness in me that the burden is killing me day by day. I want to throw out all sadness from within but am unable to find a way out.
But to avoid the same mistakes in future I should know my mistakes. The biggest mistakes of my life are :
Trying to make all my close ones happy - None of our actions can make all happy so it's worthless trying to make all happy. In the end of it, it's you who are most unhappy and dissatisfied.
Not being firm on what I want - Since childhood I had never been one of those kids who will do all possible tantrums to get a thing. I used to try for it once or twice and then be at peace with whatever I have. But now I realize, we have to be adamant if we really want something. Else the world will try to crush your dreams.
Being too accommodative about everything - I used to be satisfied with whatever I have if it makes someone else happy. But over a period of time, it just accumulates into sadness and hopelessness. Now I would fight with full enthusiasm to get what I want and would not be contended by anything less than that.
Believing that there's always a middle way - If you want something, then you have to decide on it and tread on that path come what may. If you try to find some middle way which would not involve too many radical reactions, then you are only fooling yourself. This is what I was trying to do all these times in my personal as well as professional life. Now I would not look for middle ways, it's either this way or that way.
It seems couple of my mistakes have already slipped out of my mind. Will continue to update this list as and when things happen and would try to make maximum out of it.
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