Wednesday, November 24, 2010

First Date !

They waited eagerly for the class to get over,
looked at their watches more than the teacher.
Imagining his first date for the hundredth time,
he looked at her and then the time.

As the bell rang, they slipped from the room in a flash,
while others were still packing, discussing about the class.
They just smiled and walked side by side.
Suddenly she stopped, & in a moment even he was petrified.

They stood close as the tiny drops of water touched their cheeks.
He could smell her sweet rose perfume,
and she could count his loud nervous beats.

He stared at the sky,
fearing she may refuse to go out
and wished the rain to stop.
Closing her eyes, she prayed silently,
'let this rain continue' and
imagined them holding hands & walking in the rain.

As the drops became bigger and faster,
'Let's go!' he said and held her hands to go back.
Still her eyes closed, she started running out,
With hands held tight and smiles running wide.
Enjoying the fresh water droplets hitting their face,
they ran for their wonderful first date!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dreams are all I have!

It has been a long time since I scribbled something here. A lot happened in the last few months. There were many days when I thought I would update my blog but somehow all my time and energy was spent only in writing about myself in hundreds of forms. I wrote so many essays during this placement season that I swore I wouldn't write anything for 1 week after placements, the only exceptions being chatting and giving attendance :P

There were so many things about which I wanted to write in the last few months. On some topics I even structured and wrote the entire post in my dreams! This reminds me of another interesting topic I wanted to write about. I have observed that after coming to this place, I have started recollecting my dreams and the frequency has increased to a disturbing level. This could be either because I hardly do any physical work & thus no sound sleep or because I do so much of mental work that my brain refuses to rest even when I sleep. Almost everyday I wake up with a strange dream memory. Some days it is an entire 2 hour interview with someone, some days I watch movies in my dreams, I relax on beaches and just stare at the waves on some days.

Today I woke up with the most interesting dream...a dream in which I was made the placement committee head at Hogwarts! As the place-comm head, I laid down rules for the spells which could be listed in their CVs, conducted training sessions on what magic to show when asked 'Tell me something about urself', the mock interviews with interviewees casting disastrous spells etc. It was a 'dream' dream!!

And as the famous saying goes 'Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them', I am hoping that a few of my good dreams do come true.