Monday, May 25, 2009

Ever thought about this?

This day started like any other day with gmail and The only difference was the thought with which it started. The first line which I read today was "Punjab burning after Vienna killing". I could not relate Punjab and Vienna in any way so inquisitively clicked on the link for details. Some religious Sikh guru was killed in Vienna and riots broke out in Punjab. People in huge numbers were out on roads burning cars, buses , trains and what not.

The killing of the Sikh Guru was tragic beyond doubt but is it justified to kill thousand other innocent people to show your grief and anger? Will that guru's soul not lament seeing the deeds of his disciples in his absence? Is this a proper way to bid adieu to a guru who has showed us the path to peace and prosperity? If by killing thousand innocent people, that great person could again come into existence, it could still be justified by a few. But this is nothing but killing the preachings of the guru immediately after his demise and is even more sad.

Is this not the starting point of terrorism? Even the terrorists kill innocent people giving the same logic. At some point of time, even their near and dear ones were killed and they were out to take revenge. Hopefully this riot will end in a couple of days and Punjab will be as peaceful as ever. But the seeds of extremism would be sown in some young mind which might harm another hundreds of innocents in years to come.


Antzzzz said...

i think the ppl involved in these riots have only one thing in loot the general public.....other than that it does not serve any purpose...

as always ununderstandable said...

this is a terrible trend prevalent in India of showing anger by destruction n making those pppl suffer who would never have had heard abt the reasons why tht happened or anywhr related to it also... its a agony which India has to undergo every time such an incident happens which is sufficient to trigger the Indian sentiments and tht Political party never leaves such an episode to gain their own political milages.. really what a shame...