Friday, August 21, 2009

A Reminder

With each passing day, we get busier & busier. And in our busy lives, we tend to forget the very basic rules which would make our life much easier and happier. Now that I have a bit of time, I just thought I would collate few of such basic rules.

Life is precious but equally fragile. Every second is a gift to us.

Follow your heart. The mind can waver but the heart seldom does. Respect your conscience. It's like a post-it note from God.

Seek a job you love. As you enter the world of careers and cocktails, you'll get sucked into a vortex called rat race. Don't be overwhelmed. We're all human. But have the courage to step out of it. Nothing will be lost. Some illusions will shatter. Good riddance.

Money. It's important. But it has its place. Don't make the mistake of putting it right on top.

Speak up when you have to. Don't have regrets. They defeat the very purpose of life.

These were some of them I could think of. I guess I am not following more than one of these...that's why my status msg says "After Monday (M) And Tuesday (T) even the week says WTF......"

1 comment:

as always ununderstandable said...

indeed its a reminder for me too...