Lost in his thoughts, he was still walking very fast when suddenly he hit someone and fell down. A boy some years elder to him had also fallen down in front of him. Adel very politely apologised and stood up. The other boy did not say anything and looked behind. Adel asked him “Are you hurt? Are you waiting for someone? Why were you looking behind?”
The boy hurriedly replied, “It’s not your concern. Just go away.”
Adel’s curiosity forced him to continue, “Please tell me why you are looking so worried. This is such a pleasant night. This is just the perfect way to enjoy summer vacations.”
The boy was touched by his sweetness. After a long time someone had spoken to him in kind words. All he used to hear were the shouts and curses of people. After a moment of silence he said “Actually I was running away from some people. They are chasing me because I have stolen this bread from a shop,” and took out a piece of bread from under his shirt.
“Why did you steal? Don’t you know it is a bad habit? I will tell your mother and she would scold you,” said Adel.
“I don’t have my mother with me. I live alone and I had not eaten anything since yesterday. I was very hungry and had no money. So I just stole this once piece of bread. What else could I have done? No one gives me any work because I am not old enough. And even if they give me some small work, they don’t pay me and throw me out after a few days.”
Adel replied, “How can you not have your mother? Have you also left your home like me? Why do elders don’t understand children? They throw away so much of food. They can give that food to you. You would then not have to steal.” As he said this, he realized that he had not eaten anything since morning. He thought of the tasty dinner his mother used to make for him. He drooled at the mere thought of it.
The boy smiled at Adel’s idealistic suggestion and said, “I wish that were the case. Then many boys like me won’t have to sleep hungry. Wait a minute... Did I hear you correctly? Have you run away from your home? Why have you done such a thing? I have no parents and no house so I am living this way. You are lucky to have a home and nice parents. You should go back to them.”
Suddenly a noise started which soon became a shout. A few people were running towards them shouting and cursing the boy. The boy just said “Run” to Adel and started running in the opposite direction.
..... continued in last part
as you say "It's awesome !!"
@ambuj.. thanks for an 'awesome' comment ;)
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