These days I am having a lot of coffee and each time I have a cup of coffee, innumerable memories flood my mind.
It reminds me of the days when every day after our classes (sometimes even before our classes) we used to head for the IC for a cup of coffee. That used to be the sole "energy drink" which helped us sail through the lectures. The special coffee served in our mess during exam nights used to serve as the harsh reminder that it's high time we need to stop gossiping (still don't understand why we were flooded with gossip topics only during exams) and start studying.
The well known CCD tagline 'a lot can happen over a cup of coffee' reminds me of the day (holiday actually) when we were just gossiping in our hostel room and someone mentioned this line. And almost simultaneously all of us said 'Let's go to CCD..!!'. It was around 1030 in the morning, we were just lazing around and were not even out of our beds at that time. And at 1100, we were on the bus which took us to the nearest CCD (that was around 20kms) from our college. That was the day and today is a day when in spite of wanting a cup of coffee we would not despise our laziness to walk up to a CCD just 200 mts away.
I have been to barista only a couple of times but the one which invariably is on my mind is the day when my cousin, my bro n I had gone to a Barista in Mumbai. We had ordered the best of coffees (with every topping possible as my cousin was treating us). During those days, I used to be crazy for the cream they used to serve. So after finishing up mine quickly, I took some cream from my bro's cup to which he resisted (quite a normal reaction). But I was just too hell bent on having it and amidst the small tu tu main main, accidently my bro spilled his coffee partially on me and partially on himself. Without realizing that it was a public place and I was equally at fault, I shouted at the top of my voice at my bro for spoiling my dress. I still remember he cleaned up my dress with a tissue first ( in spite of the fact that even his dress was spoiled),then apolozied for the entire thing and sweetly offered the remaining coffee with cream to me. All this while I was still shouting at him and everyone else was looking at my bro as if he had done some gross thing to me. I still remember his sorry look and his sweet nature at that time even when I was at fault and I was being irrational. I never said sorry to him for that act but whenever I have coffee with cream, I always think of that day and feel sorry.
And jab baat coffee ki ho rahi hai to how can I forget this one. While going uphill to Vaishnodevi, I spotted a CCD. I was with my cousin and asked him to stop there for a cup of coffee. He refused my request bluntly and dragged me uphill. I insisted a lot but nothing was of any use. He was adamant on continuing without wasting time. But then while coming down, he himself offered me a treat in CCD and asked me to order anything from the menu. That was too big and unexpected a treat at that time (when I was totally exhausted).
Worth mentioning is also the innumerable coffee treats both at college and at office :) I still remember our unusual trips to the coffee vending machines to eat the coffee beans and even now my aim usually is to reach office before the morning coffee is served there..!!!
Seems really a lot has happened over a cup of coffee in your life :)
oh dont worry now ... i have quit "all kinds of beverages" :)
:) .. i rmbr that day too subah subah u me n dips had jus rushed 2 ccd :D
@ananth....ya..that also proves i hv a lot of coffee... :P
@ach...quit all sorts of bevarahes matlab?? sirf coffee hi to peete the....
@anu...ya...ab to aisa kuch nahi karte..
evn i rembr d day we alomst missed d bus but still gt to ccd.. it was d ccd polybag in my room wit the "a lot can happn over coffee.. "
gosh i so miss ccd's.. there r just port city java's all over my campus.. nd d meager 40Rs cappuccino costs $5.. :(:(
but i still drink it.. :P
@dee....u still drink 5$ coffee becoz u r still studyin....job me thi to kitni baar specially coffee peene ccd gayi thi???
that idiot cousin of yours who was so adamant not to give you a treat is actually so foolish you never know... sorry for that..
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