After coming to this jokaland, I have hardly got time to sit back and think about what's going on. I guess Einstien would have formulated his theory of relativity on a visit to B-School. The only time when I was relatively free for thinking ( or day dreaming as many people call it..!!) was the exam time. All weird thoughts ranging from 'If 5 marks are deducted for not writing name on answer sheet then 5 marks should be awarded for writing the name.....why do all people suddenly start remembering me during exams and number of incoming calls increase exponentially....why do all good movies release before exams and none release just after exams...why binary marking when people have always given more importance to means than the end...' to what would be my next blog about flooded my mind.
But now that I have taken out some time to blog, I cannot think of anything to write. Guess my mind now cannot work under relaxed conditions..!! When I changed the theme of my blog, I did not realize that it would be so apt. It's a total new life unfolding here... new ways of studying... new ways of entertainment/celebration... new definition of day (try to sleep as much as possible) and night (try to work as much as possible)... and many more things.
And before I run out of time, wish you all a very happy friendship's day! Whatever you do in life, however busy you get, you should have at least one friend calls you by weirdly pronouncing your name, who teases you by a girl/boy you hate, who will do anything to get a party from you, who calls your nokia/sony ph a china handset in public loudly, who wont let you walk home alone, who would give you embarrassing greeting cards on ur b'day, who would call you to chit chat before ur exams, who smiles and make you smile though he has every right to breakdown...who you know will be there for you anytime and everytime.
Cheers to all my friends :)