Status msgs these days act more as conversation starters than being an indicative of the status of that person. My chat list is full of status msgs in French, Italian, Greek and sometimes even symbol language...or some lyrics of song...or some 1-2 words which are weird enough for ppl to ask about it.
Another important use of status msgs is that they help us kill time. Check all status msgs in your chat list and 5 mins are gone. Comment people on their status msgs and another 15 mins are gone (this might sometimes lead to conversations lasting for over an hour too..!!). And then search for a suitable status msg for oneself starts, the time spent in this case is directly proportional to how resourceful you are..!!
So after the usual 10-15 mins chat about status msgs today, I got one for myself which read as
'After Monday (M) And Tuesday (T) even the week says WTF......'
At a place where facebook and orkut are blocked, chatting is the sole source of recreation and this status msg helped me sail through the day. While chatting, I noticed a point (which I had noticed earlier too but never really bothered to put it here). Why do people use * in certain words and what difference does that asterisk make?
The word with or without asterisk would have the same meaning and if the other person has to understand that word, he would get it with or without *.If one feels that the word is indecent, then why use it in the first place. How does the * add decency to it or how does it sound less offensive? People might not know certain words n may even ignore it, but if the same words are written with *, people become inquisitive and somehow try to know that word. Does this not defeat the purpose? I believe this hipocracy solves no purpose. Either stop using words which you feel are indecent or have the courage to use it upfront.
Anyway, this status msg also served a third me a topic to write..!! :D