'It's simple to smile but it's difficult to be happy' was my status msg today on gtalk. While my friends pinged me and started discussing on this line, I just wondered whether we smile because we are happy or we are happy because we smile?
Does the forced smile which we sport on our face for others' sake even when our soul is crying serve it's purpose? If those 'others' really care for us, would they not want us to cry when we are sad and smile when we are happy? Would they not be more happy when we smile from our heart and would they not be sad when we smile just for the heck of it? Only people who don't care about us would be indifferent to our smiling heart and smiling face. Is it worth forcing a smile for such people?
Many argue that if u force a smile for quite a while, you would be happy. But then will it not lead to pent up emotions and drive that person into a shell?
Even I am not very sure which is true but for the time being I am smiling :)