But as my luck would have it, when I got up today, it was just 6 AM. Wished myself a happy holiday (though the start was not so happy) and then called up my friends to wish them a happy holiday (why should only I get up early). And the first thing I get to hear on our Independence Day is “Hey…tell me the lyrics of our national anthem. I have to go for a flag hoisting ceremony!!” I couldn’t believe that I was actually hearing these words. My obvious reply was “How is this possible? How can anyone forget the national anthem? It should be in the blood of all Indians. You must be kidding.” That friend of mine actually didn’t know the national anthem and was getting late so without further arguments I recited the national anthem.
Feeling proud of myself, I thought “At the stroke of this hour, when all Indians are sleeping, I have awakened to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely, when I step out of my bed at 6 on a holiday, and when the soul of the nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment I recite the national anthem and take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.”
With this pride, I switched on my laptop, logged in gtalk, changed my status message to ‘Vande Mataram’, played some deshbhakti geet in background and at the end of the day did nothing other than criticizing government, its policies, growing terrorism, people’s indifference towards the country and its independence and updating my blog.AAKHIR DIL HAI HINDUSTANI!!!

Since i am always blamed for not writing a comment on blog...I am doing the pleasure MAM...
Well its not that a person should know National Anthem to be a true India...For that Matter many of US are even not aware of our national Song , who written it or for whom our nation Anthem was first written...
INDIA doesn't need a person who remember national anthem but A person who is proud to be an INDIAN from heart.
Atleast we must admire the effort that he was going for a parade ceremony while rest of us were sleeping...
जन गण मन अधिनायक जय हे
भारत भाग्य विधाता
पंजाब सिन्ध गुजरात मराठा
द्राविड़ उत्कल बंग
विन्ध्य हिमाचल यमुना गंगा
उच्छल जलधि तरंग
तव शुभ नामे जागे
तव शुभ आशिष मागे
गाहे तव जय गाथा
जन गण मंगल दायक जय हे
भारत भाग्य विधाता
जय हे जय हे जय हे
जय जय जय जय हे
Hmmmmmmm.... kya kahen masterji.... blog which tells us reality of life today.... A HOLIDAY.... thts wat it has become today.... Anyways, its just a matter of time before the true NATIONALISM again will rise... But then people need to understand that maybe by following countries like Singapore, Switzerland, Finland or Israel where it is mandatory to serve for the COUNTRY by being a part of ARMED FORCES for some time after college..
Anyways its a far sighted thing so far...
Nice BLOG.....
Mera Bharat Mahan
100 mein se 99 beimaan
nice opportunity of self praise ;)
Blogging phir se chaalu...
this comment may b coming a bit late but its ok
may be i was sort of words for that great guy who could forget national anthem.
how can somebody..........
batao to aakhir woh nalayak hai kaun.
nice one ... aakhir dil hai hindustani.:)
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