They waited eagerly for the class to get over,
looked at their watches more than the teacher.
Imagining his first date for the hundredth time,
he looked at her and then the time.
As the bell rang, they slipped from the room in a flash,
while others were still packing, discussing about the class.
They just smiled and walked side by side.
Suddenly she stopped, & in a moment even he was petrified.
They stood close as the tiny drops of water touched their cheeks.
He could smell her sweet rose perfume,
and she could count his loud nervous beats.
He stared at the sky,
fearing she may refuse to go out
and wished the rain to stop.
Closing her eyes, she prayed silently,
'let this rain continue' and
imagined them holding hands & walking in the rain.
As the drops became bigger and faster,
'Let's go!' he said and held her hands to go back.
Still her eyes closed, she started running out,
With hands held tight and smiles running wide.
Enjoying the fresh water droplets hitting their face,
they ran for their wonderful first date!